Jeremy Kasten published a book chapter:

Tue, 12/06/16

Jeremy Kasten, who recently received his PhD in Spanish from our Department, published a book chapter "Representing a Trauma Space and Rendering the Real of the Spanish Civil War in Carlos Saura's La caza," in a collective volume, entitled Trauma and Meaning Making published by Interdisciplinary Press. In his essay, written while completing his PhD in our Department, Jeremy Kasten explores the relationship between a trauma and the space where that incomprehensible event took place by analyzing the Spanish film, La caza (1965). In the words of Dr. Kasten: "this film renders trauma through an unsettling representation of three veterans on a rabbit hunt that takes place at an actual Spanish Civil War battlefield, which may become the cause of anxiety and potential working through. The idea for this study came from a discussion with Dr. Enrique Álvarez about the concept of spatial theory and its implications in trauma studies. In preparation for presenting the topic at an inter-disciplinary trauma studies conference in Portugal, I further developed the project with Dr. Robert Romanchuk by using Lacanian psychoanalysis and Slavoj Zizek’s discussion of the concept of rendering a trauma. I am grateful to both professors for their constant support and willingness to help on this chapter as well as other projects throughout my graduate career."
