MLL Graduate Course Offerings
Summer 2022
Program: French
Graduate course number: FRW 5775
Course Title: Francophone Caribbean/ African
CulturesInstructor: Jeannine Murray-Roman
Time: Tu/Th 3:05-6:25
Language of Class Discussion: English
Reading knowledge in required in target language: Yes
Open to graduate students from other MLL programs/departments: Yes
Course Description:
This course examines the literature of Africa and the Caribbean written in French with an emphasis on Negritude and/or Creolite. May be repeated to a maximum of six semester hours.
MLL Graduate Course Offerings
Summer 2022
Program: German
Graduate course number: GEW5595
Course Title: Language and Gender
lnstructo: Soldat-Jaffe
Time: T/Th, 3:05-6:20 pm
Language of Class Discussion: English
Course Description: Any behavior in language studies is always situated in certain contexts andcannot be regarded as isolated events. In opposition to sex as a category that defines men and women biologically, gender is a social category in language studies; we negotiate gender through interaction. "Doing gender" is undertaken by men and women and is studied through psychological, cultural, and social differences. Societal norms and evaluations as well as power structures in society have an impact on language use. How is language socialized? Is there such a thing as 'women's and men's style'? And how do genders act and are conceived across languages and cultures? Does gender manifest differently in German? This course will study gender as a variable in language as an interlingual and intralingual approach.