Vincent Joos

Associate Professor

Vincent Joos

Contact Information

Office Location
Diffenbaugh 303C
Office Hours

Wednesday 12-2pm

Vincent Joos (PhD, UNC Chapel Hill) is a cultural anthropologist who researches post-disaster reconstruction and the relations between states, citizens, and international organizations in the Caribbean. His new book, Urban Dwelling, Haitian Citizenships tracks the vernacular transformation of urban space by people excluded from the aid economy in post-earthquake Haiti. Joos also writes about the history of immigration and border infrastructure in Calais, France.

Research Interests

Haitian Studies

Immigration Studies

Disaster Anthropology and Disaster Capitalism

Relations between Ethnography and Literature

French and Francophone Experimental Literature with a focus on Nouveau Roman

Courses Taught

History of Anthropology 

Caribbean Music and Politics

Graduate Seminar in Cultural Anthropology


Race, Sports, and Culture in the United States

Selected Publications