UROP Students present research on Dante at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Mon, 09/30/19

Three undergraduate students working with Professor Beth Coggeshall presented their research and creative projects inspired by Dante’s Commedia. UROP researchers Alexa Kellenberger and Aki Jones, who worked with Prof. Coggeshall throughout the 2018-19 academic year on the website Dante Today, presented posters related to their UROP research. Kellenberger was awarded a 2019 IDEA Grant to continue to pursue her research on Dante’s influence on contemporary horror movies. Jones, a Design major, produced a series of designs for furniture based on the circles of Dante’s Hell (pictured below). Savannah Mikus, a Chinese and Japanese dual major who took Professor Coggeshall’s Inferno course, presented an independent research project on the appropriation of Dantesque themes and characters in Japanese anime and manga.


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